Welcome to chickencolours.com

Primary purpose of this website was promoting and selling the super simple book Genetics of Chicken Colours – The Basics (suitable for profs as well). Meanwhile I’ve written more chicken books.
This site is simple, not an online shop, scratch around a bit to see if there’s any feed for you? Or bookmark it, in case something new hatches.

Hope you will enjoy the books, they are sent allover of the world since 2008, so thank you for reading!

©2008 – 2024 Sigrid van Dort


All books are separately discussed in the drop down menu.
Books are soft cover unless mentioned as hard cover.
Check it out if you want to know more about a book.
Continue reading to browse titles, check out prices or
if you know what book you want… to order.

Continue reading “BOOKS”


All illustrations and paintings on this website are made by me and therefore are ©Sigrid van Dort and ©chickencolours.com. If you want to use them be so kind to contact me.

Chickencolours.com is my book site.

The little publishing company I am, filled with my own books is not a ‘shop’ it is a blog, no slick smart pages that calculate everything for everywhere .

If you have questions, please find me via email and respect the copyright on what I make.


Private: Feed

A new website

This is the blog part of the new website of chickencolours.com.I don’t know if it will be used.A chicken has to make itself at home too when changing coop…As long as I didn’t make my mind up, it will be like this.


Send me an email or find me here the facebook business page.